Essential Oil School


Not all essential oils are created equal, but as an essential oil user I do believe there are several brands that are trustworthy. You need to find a brand that works for you and that you can trust!

When seeking out a brand look for companies, like Young Living Essential Oils that are trustworthy. I chose to use and distribute Young Living Essential oils due to their Seed to Seal Promise of Quality and transparency in their farming practices. 

Seek the following when making an Essential Oil Choice:

1.  Transparency of ingredients, agricultural partners, and distillation practices. (Seed to Seal Quality).

2. Seek companies that do not make false claims or advertisements.

3. Website descriptions and bottle labels should use the botanical, Latin names when explaining products.   Example, Chamomile is different than German Chamomile or Roman Chamomile. The Latin names will clearly indicate what plant or herb is being used.

4. Pricing should be different for different oil types. Very different.  Peppermint harvesting and distillation costs vary greatly from the cost to extract and distill Frankincense oil, for example. Peppermint is a plant. Frankincense is derived from tree sap, or gum resin.

5. Fragrance oils are different than essential oils. Do not use fragrance oils topically or internally.  In fact, fragrance can be irritating to the skin, respiratory system, and cause allergic reactions. Essential oils are fragrant by their essence. ‘Fragrance’ is not necessary in essential oil products!

6. Should say ‘therapeutic grade’ on label.


7. Easy access to information about which oils are safe for children and which to avoid or are safe for pregnant, nursing women, or if you have an diseases or are on any medication. Always check with your doctor before using essential oils.

8. Is their customer service up to par? Young Living has excellent customer service. They have always resolved any concerns of mine expediently.

9. Is the company a one-stop shop? Carrier oils are often sold via Essential Oil companies. You need carrier oils for many essential oils, especially if using on children.  Young Living provides other health and wellness products; such as nutritional supplements, vitamins, deodorants, shampoos, cleaners and toothpaste products.

To learn more about Essential Oils, feel free to email me at or visit my Young Living page.

Click on image below to view the article: 10 Ways to use Lavender Essential Oil.

FavLavender     everyday-oils-tea-tree


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