Keratosis Pilaris solution {chicken bumps be gone}

The struggle is real ladies, ‘chicken bumps,’ otherwise known as Keratosis Pilaris. These tiny bumps may show up during adolescence and persist (often worse) after pregnancy. As if we don’t already feel hormonal enough after 9 months, your beloved Obgyn states ‘it’s hormonal.’ These dreaded words basically damn you to ‘just deal with it.’  After visiting a department store beauty area and giving the 17 year old (she really was a lovely girl) clerk a look of ‘I have mouths to feed, you want $50 for a 0.5208 oz. bottle of what?’ – I checked out of the conversation on eliminating KP.

Defeated, I added this realization to my ever-growing list of acceptable rules to live by (shall we call this wisdom)?

  • Coffee is a basic food group (creamer is dairy)
  • No sex past 10:00 on a work night
  • No makeup Sundays (if I can avoid tugging on my skin one day, all the better)

Perchance, my change to non-toxic living offered a quick and cheap remedy:

I stopped using a body wash  with triclosan, dyes, and fragrance in it and switched to this basic home-made body wash:  After a few days, I noticed smoother skin.  At the time, I was only using the Castile Soap and water mixture. After about a week, I added the coconut oil for moisture and to add some natural lather. How I missed you lather. I may have a random bump or two crop up, but truly this amazed me.  Note: I’m also exfoliating twice a week with a loofah and following up with an organic coconut oil post-shower.

  • 1/4 cup Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Castile Soap
  • 1 cup Distilled Water
  • 1-2 Tbsp. of Coconut Oil (MCT Medium chain triglycerides)
  • You could also add about 10 drops of an Essential Oil of your preference (Lavender, Rose, Tea Tree, and Carrot seed oils are good for  skin). If you add essential oil, always store in a dark colored, glass bottle and do a skin test first.

Castile Soap love


Who needs a pretty label, anyway?

Ooh la la! Smoother arms.

Ooh la la! Smoother arms.

I truly hope this helps and if it does not work for you, keep trying. Look at the labels on your products and attempt to eliminate chemicals from your bath and beauty products.

A few after thoughts on Triclosan:

This link will take you to a good article on Triclosan.  Triclosan has shown up in pregnant mothers systems, their breast milk, and in children’s bodies. It crosses the skin barrier and is a potential endocrine disrupter.  We have been made to believe that it’s important to use antibacterial products, however growing research indicates it may not be needed in our homes. I don’t mind my doctor scrubbing in with an antibacterial anything, but it may not be necessary for daily use!

I had 3 doctors over the years tell me I had KP and to basically live with it. I realize now what is in your products does make a difference.

Of course, always do your own research and follow your doctor’s orders for health in your home. These statements are not approved by the FDA. This is not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any illness or disease.

2 thoughts on “Keratosis Pilaris solution {chicken bumps be gone}

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